To setup a new cron service =========================== 1. Create <ServiceName>.service file, which has the following content at the beginning <?php require_once(''); /** Verify the script call is from trusted place. */ global $application_unique_key; if($_REQUEST['app_key'] != $application_unique_key) { echo "Access denied!"; exit; } /** * Check if instance of this service is already running? */ $svcname = $_REQUEST['service']; // We need to make sure the PIDfile name is unqique $servicePIDFile = "logs/$"; if(file_exists($servicePIDFile)) { echo "Service $svcname already running! Check $servicePIDFile"; exit; } else { $servicePIDFp = fopen($servicePIDFile, 'a'); } /** * Turn-off PHP error reporting. */ try { error_reporting(0); } catch(Exception $e) { } // ... REST OF YOUR CODE ... // AT END /** Close and remove the PID file. */ if($servicePIDFp) { fclose($servicePIDFp); unlink($servicePIDFile); } ?> ===================================================================================================================================== 2. Create <ServiceName> file which should have the following: export VTIGERCRM_ROOTDIR=`dirname "$0"`/.. export USE_PHP=php cd $VTIGERCRM_ROOTDIR $USE_PHP -f vtigercron.php service="<ServiceName>" <param>="<value>" ===================================================================================================================================== 3. Create <ServiceName>Cron.bat file which should have the following: @echo off set VTIGERCRM_ROOTDIR="C:\Program Files\vtigercrm5\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM" set PHP_EXE="C:\Program Files\vtigercrm5\php\php.exe" cd /D %VTIGERCRM_ROOTDIR% %PHP_EXE% -f vtigercron.php service="<ServiceName>" <param>="<value>" =====================================================================================================================================